Chincoteague NWR, VA – Snow Geese at Last

For the last several years during fall migration, the snow geese at Chincoteague have been fewer and later arriving.  Finally on my recent visit over the Thanksgiving weekend, they arrived again in high numbers.  It gives me chills to see so many soaring overhead, swirling in a circle as they land  Oddly many spent most of their time near the Atlantic beach – actually on the beach, in Toms Cove and in the impoundment next to the shore.

I am heading to Bosque del Apache in Jan and hope to see large flocks of both snow geese and sandhill cranes. Having both present is great.  Planning  to conduct a unique photo tour 12-22 Jan, combining Sedona’s red rock country and Bosque. Space still available.  For details go to

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