The last Chincoteague photo workshop I conducted was fun as usual. Great people and myfavorite location to offer programs. Saturday mornings dawn photography on the beach was very productive with wind swept waves backlit by the sun and feeding sanderlings racing along the shore to beat advancing waves. Attracted by an abundant supply of horseshoe crab eggs, other migrating shorebirds were prsent in large numbers on the mud flats at low tide and along the shore of Toms Cove –dowitchers, godwits, dunlin, ruddy turnstones, willets, plovers and more. Great photo opportunities were presented by terns and egrets catching fish in the borrow ditch just a few feet away, sometimes catching two at a time and fighting over prime fishing territory. A pair of oystercatchers nesting near the ocean parking lot calmly posed for photographs those who remained in the car. Black skimmers engaged in courtship antics nearby. This program was sponsored by Norfolk Botanical Gardens.
Coming up are two nature photography workshops, “Wildlife Photography” at Norfolk Botanical Gardens, 24 – 26 Aug. Plus a basic editing class at the gardens the same week. Just added to my schedule is a new Chincoteague weekend scheduled for 10 – 12 Aug and sponsored by the Ward Museum of Waterfowl Art, Salisbury University
